/ Advice and assistance on all aspects of Italian civil law, with special focus on those most frequently involving businesses.

/ Representation in proceedings before civil and administrative courts, and administrative and national control authorities of all instances.

/ National Arbitration.

/ Assistance for out-of-court settlement of disputes, amicable procedures and mediation.

/ Protection of banks and businesses from claw-back actions and initiatives taken by bankruptcy bodies.

/ Restructuring and renegotiation of non-performing loans.

/ Assistance in the management and judicial recovery of non-performing loans.

/ Protection of copyrights, trademarks and distinctive marks in general, designs, patents and know-how.

/ Drafting and negotiation of license agreements and transfer of the rights referred to above, including franchising and sponsorship agreements.

/ Assistance in and out of court regarding counterfeits or usurpations of intellectual property rights and unfair competition.

/ Valuation of Intangible Assets in Business Combinations.

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